Arisun Tires

ARISUN Tires is well-known in the tire industry as a manufacturer of ultra-premium, commercial truck tires, under ZC Rubber, the no. 1 tire manufacturer in China.
Backed by 60 years of extensive research and innovations in technology, Arisun covers a wide array of vehicles for the North American market, as they are recognized globally as one of the Top 10 Tire Manufacturers.
A leader in technological advancements for tire production methods, ARISUN has heavily invested in their Smart Tire where real-time data, through a sensor in their tire, is stored and processed through an app.
Data about the tire's air pressure, temperature, and overall tire life span are available and is considered a milestone for the tire giant already dominating the tire industry.
ARISUN Tires focuses on longer mileage, precise handling, ethical practices for enviromental sustainability and are SmartWay-verified for optimal fuel efficiency.
Rise above the crowd with ARISUN!
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Waterfall (80)
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